In response to your feedback, we are excited to launch a new workshop this year: SPED and the Building Leader! This collaboration with KASEA and @KSPrincipals is one way we are uniting to better support Kansas leaders. Learn more with the QR #edleadershipmatters
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Sped and the building leader
If you have completed the Elevate Leadership Series and/or if you are looking to be a more reflective practitioner this year, consider how you might utilize a 360 survey with coaching to refine your leadership. Contact us to learn more! #edleadershipmatters
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
As you welcome students back this week, be sure to consider how you will take care of your own learning this year so that you might be the world class leader your staff and students deserve! If you have not checked out our Elevate Program, now is the time! #elevateleadership
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Elevate Leadership
If you missed our AI webinar last week, don't worry! You still have 6 more chances to tune in! On August 20 and 21, we will host six more zooms talking about the power of AI chatbots and how YOU can build one!
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
AI Workshop
This year, we are partnering with @KASBPublicEd and #KSSA to bring a new professional learning program to our superintendents in year 2 & beyond. Emerging Leadership Development for Superintendents is a way to refine your practice within a community of peers! Scan the QR for more
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Emerging Leadership
Happy Friday! That means it is also time for our email update. Our weekly newsletter should be in your inbox now. Read this week's highlights and learn more about the many opportunities we have coming up for you this year! #edleadershipmatters
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
USA-Kansas is a statewide umbrella organization comprised of 9 school administrator associations representing over 2,000 administrators statewide! Visit to learn about all of our organizations & take a look at the big events coming up this next year!
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Member Organizations
Fall Conferences
Spring Conferences
As we dive into a new school year, consider how you will prioritize your own professional learning this year! Better yet, consider how you can set your staff up for high quality professional learning all year long! Join PLN to get access to the amazing benefits of membership.
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Have you ever wondered how to help your school align their day to day behaviors with what they have identified as their values? Join us in a 4-day series focused on bringing values to life through creating school environments that are focused on adult well-being. Visit to learn more!
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Uniting your values
Beginning this week, interested leaders have the opportunity to learn how they can strategically use AI Chatbots to improve their school! 5 zoom meetings take place this week so choose the time that's best for you! Learn more at
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
AI Workshop
17 leaders worked in Topeka this week to learn more about Executive Coaching! We are excited to launch coaching with our leadership development program for Superintendents this next year. Learn more at
2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Coaching Training
New Principals gathered in Topeka today for the New Principals Workshop hosted by USA-KS & KPA. They heard from experienced administrators & covered many topics, including knowing your "why", special education, building trust, difficult situations and more. #edleadershipmatters
2 months ago, Jessi Clark
New Principals Workshops
New Principals Workshops
If you have been interested in learning more about #elevateleadership, now is the time! Check out this video playlist offering insights into the program & testimonials from past participants
3 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Friends don't let friends allow their USA-Kansas membership to lapse! Being part of a professional learning community is one of the greatest gifts you can offer yourself. Check out our program guide to learn more about what membership has to offer and renew your membership today!
3 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Friendship day
Executive Director G.A. Buie is leading conversation today around leadership program continuity. Thanks to @ksdehq for coordinating this event and @TPS_501 for hosting! We enjoy working with our partners, and leaders like @mischelmiller, on issues related to ed leadership!
3 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Leadership Program Continuity
As you kick off the 24-25 school year, we hope you will consider joining USA-KS. Whether joining for the first time or renewing, we are committed to supporting educational leaders at all levels! For more info, check your inbox or visit
3 months ago, Jessi Clark
Our summer Elevate series recently ended & one superintendent said it was "extraordinary for us to be exposed to such high quality professional development". Hear what others are saying at Visit our website ( to register!
3 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Last week, we worked with Aspiring Supts & received 3.99/4 stars! This week, we launch our new program "Emerging Leadership Development for Superintendents". We support leaders at all levels! Learn more
3 months ago, Sarah Perryman
It has been a great two days working with our Aspiring Superintendents in Topeka. Thank you to @TPS_501 for hosting! This program is a byproduct of our partnership with @KASBPublicEd. Visit to learn more!
3 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Aspiring Superintendents Day 1
Aspiring Superintendents Day 2
To close the #UNITED conference, we heard from Sal Khan, from @khanacademy as he talked about harnessing the power of AI! At USA-Kansas, we are harnessing the power of AI to bring our learning to you. Follow us on LinkedIn (USA-Kansas) to learn more about our AI work in August!
3 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Sal Khan