2023 USA-Kansas Annual Conference

2023 Learning Clusters

Primary Presenter

Presentation Title

Abi Sanny

Uncovering Root Causes - A Process for Sustainable Change

Adrian Howie

Changing Conversations Using Data to Improve Student Outcomes

Amanda Young

This is Us: Three Students, Three Connections

Amanda Young

I can be more than a mechanic

Andrea Paulakovich

Focusing School Improvement through the Lens of PLCs

Anthony McDaniel

Student/Staff Communication: Encouraging Connection; Maintaining Boundaries

Anthony McDaniel

Managing and Disciplining the Most “Difficult” Employees

Anthony McDaniel

Transgender Students and the Law

Bill Lowry

Why and How School Districts Should be involved with Childcare Today!

Brad Starnes

Build Up Kansas

Brandi Leggett

Innovation, Culture & Real World Learning

Brianna Deas

Intentional Teaching: Why We Don't Play around with Student Learning!

Chris Crockett

Facilities and Education Working Together

Chris Hipp

Top 5 Takeaways from a Cyber Attack

Christopher Villarreal, Ed.D.

Creativity in HR: Leveraging your brand and social media to attract and retain talent

Cinnemon Buie

Telling Your School's Story with Canva: Effective Communication Strategies for School Leaders

Clark McCracken

Staff and Parent Communication Made Interactive and Easy

Clark McCracken

How do I make time to be an instructional leader?

Craig Marshall

A Three Year Plan To Field Turf

Dan Brungardt

The Key to Success is Communication Between the Board of Education and the Superintendent

Dan Whisler

Using existing investments to simplify work-based learning for students and professional development for teachers

Dane Baxa

Maximizing (or Creating) Your District's Education Foundation

Doug Moeckel and Britton Hart


Doug Powers

Pre-K to 12 Innovative Learning

Dr. Brad Rahe

Undecided - will be related to ESSER funds, Fed Grants, and renewable energy incentives

Dr. Christie Henderson

The Perfect Dance of Administration, Social Work, and School Counseling

Dr. Christie Henderson

Out of the Box School Counseling

Dr. Crista Grimwood

KSDE’s Dispute Resolution Process: What Special Education Administrator’s Need to Know

Dr. Deanna L. Gooch

Coaching Up: Using Mentoring Strategies to Forge Authentic Relationships That Lead to Teacher Retention

Dr. Dustin Springer

You're Gettin' On My Nerves: Addressing Adult and Child Dysregulation Through the Lens of Applied Educational Neuroscience

Dr. Greg Belcher

Increasing Retention of CTE Teachers using the KCCTE Mentoring Program

Dr. Joyce Jamerson

Beyond the Book - Deepening Students’ and Families’ Sense of Belonging

Dr. Justin B. Henry

Light on Leadership - Great Leaders Are Great Readers

Dr. Lyndsey Brown

Utilizing and Collaborating with School Counselors to Support MTSS

Dr. Marilyn Denison

Elevate Learning with Sustainable Change

Dr. Robert Moody

Creating Collaborative Relationships Between School Leadership and School Community

Dr. Sharon Walker

Promoting Student Agency with Student Products and Exhibitions

Dr. Todd Dain

Culture Wins

Dr. Tyrone M. Bates, Jr.

Reimagining DEI: Ensuring a sense of belonging in schools (for district and building level leaders)

Dr. Virginia Duncan

Marketing Maneuvers: Marketing Strategies to Empower School Leaders

Dr. Virginia Duncan

Mythbusters: Debunking Social Media Myths and Maximizing Global Communication Potential

Dwaine Millard

Promoting a Culture of Literacy: Engaging and Empowering Families for Student Success

Faith Eikelberger

Relationships & Socio Emotional Learning- It's Not Fluff. It Works!

Greg Rosenhagen

Student Success - Providing Opportunities for Students with Post-Secondary Success the Goal

Gregory M. Vecchi, Ph.D., FBI (Ret)

Mindhunter: Understanding Target Violence, Concerning Behaviors, and How to Prevent Violence

James LaPish

Work in progress

Jeff Travis

Educator Recharge Retreats: Tackling Educator Burnout

Jessica Bernard

Free Speech and Student Discipline: Where Does The School Gate Stop?

Jessica Bernard

“No Comment” = Not an Option – Addressing Difficult Matters Head-On

Jessica Bernard


John Calvert

Remembering Our Why

Josh Swartz

Creating Culture: The Power of WE

Joshua Snyder

Confronting the Inevitable Truth

Kati Wolfgang

HR Basics for Administrators

Keith Reynolds

Inclusive Leadership

Kellen Adams

Throw Out the ‘Sandwich’ – Feedback Strategies for Teachers that Actually Work

Kellen Adams

Advanced Seminar in School Finance & Budget

Kellen J. Adams

School Finance & Budget Basics for Kansas School Leaders

Kelly Bielefeld

The Future of Manufacturing: Preparing the Workforce of Tomorrow

Kelly Coryell

Roofing 101... What you need to know

Kurt Karr

Revolutionize Your School's Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Success

Kyle Lord

Partnerships in K-12 Cybersecurity and Technology

Landon Warmund

Student Loans

Lindy McDaniel

Tier 3 Behavior Programming: There is a Better Way

Marlene Dodge

You Want Me To Do What???

Matt Jellison and Joe Coles

Building Safe and Connecter Relationship Though a Student-Led Collaboration

Mischel D. MIller

Building an Instructional Leadership Continuum

Mischel D. Miller

A Courageous Comeback calls for Courageous Conversations

Nick Strecker and Jake Strecker

Technology in Schools to Address Safety of Staff and Kids

Patrick Crowdis

What at the essential Roles and Responsibilities of a Superintendent

Patrick Crowdis

What are the Roles and Responsibilities of a Superintendent

Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz

Creating a Resilience Oriented Culture of Care and Regulation

Rebekah Peitz

College and Career Advisor/CTE Coordinator

Ron Orsak

Marketing / PR and Culture

Russ Lane

Administrator Retirement Workshop

Shawn Henderson

Partnering with Families in Challenging Moments

Summer Ford

Middle School MTSS: Yes! It Can Work!

Tamara Lindholm

Four Leadership Lessons Learned from Loss

Tammy Fellers

Difficult Conversations: Principal to Staff

Terri Glass

Being Intentional Builds Culture

Terri Glass

The Magic of KESA Groups

Tyson Eslinger

Increasing Coaching Capacity Through Innovation and Learning